Lydia B (front) anchored at Friendly Cove, Nootka Island, Pacific coast of Vancouver Island -- Cook's landing-place in 1773. June 2000.


Ian Laval spent 
two years fitting 
Lydia B out on 
Vancouver Island, 
British Columbia, Canada. 
After an 800-mile 
sea-trial trip 
round the island 
Lydia B went 
north from the 
Gulf Islands of 
British Columbia 
and up the 
Inside Passage to 
the Alaska border, then out round 
the Queen Charlotte Islands and back to Victoria BC. 
Lydia B left 
Canada in 
September 2001, 
sailing down 
the US Pacific 
coast to Mexico, 
El Salvador, 
Costa Rica and 

After transiting 
the canal and 
a visit to the 
San Blas Islands 
of Atlantic Panama 
Lydia B crossed 
the Caribbean to 
Key West, Florida, 
stopping at the Colombian-owned island of San Andres, then Cayo Vivarillo and Isla Mujeres, Mexico; then up the 
US east coast to 
the Chesapeake
ahead of the 2002 
hurricane season 
where she wintered 
before crossing 
the Atlantic 
to Maryport, in 
northwest England 
in July 2003.
Total passage from 
Vancouver Island 
was 15,000 nm.


Lydia B home page

Interior pictures


Technical page


Ian Laval Furniture











































































































































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Hauled out.............Skipper. Brentwood Bay, Victoria BC 2000
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Anchored at Friendly Cove on Vancouver Island's
west coast. June 2000

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Anchored at Yuquot, Nootka Is., Vancouver Is.
West coast. June 2000

Dawn on the Alaska border.June 2001

Send-off party at Anglers Anchorage, Brentwood Bay, 
Vancouver Island. Sept 2001

Lydia B at Octopus Inlet, northern BC June 2001

In Lydia B's lazarette. San Diego Jan 2002.

A feeding school of dolphins off Baja Mexico. Jan 2002

Dawn rendezvous off El Salvador. March 2002

Anchored off No-Name, Nicaragua March 2002

Family outing, Bahia Honda, Pacific Panama. April 2002

Lydia B at Balboa ready for her Panama transit from 
the Pacific to the Atlantic. April 2002

Kuna Indian girls, San Blas Islands, Atlantic Panama. May 2002

Mid-Caribbean passenger. June 2002

Rachel raises the US courtesy flag at Key West, Florida.

Lift bridge on the US Intra-Coastal Waterway. July 2002

Lydia B anchored in down-town Washington DC. Aug 2002

Atlantic dorado for supper! June 2003

Azores landfall, June 2003.

Canadian Dave Anderson, Lydia B's Atlantic crew, 
after painting the traditional boat signature on 
the quayside at Horta, Azores.

Mid-Atlantic, June 2003.

Lydia B enters Maryport UK on July 20, 2003 after her 4080nm Atlantic passage, 15,000nm from British Columbia.


Docked. Maryport, July 20, 2003.